I would have been three years old when we moved out of the house on Oak Street in La Grande, Oregon, and my favorite childhood memory took place there on Oak Street. Did it need to be exactly 1984? No. But I think it was. And even if it wasn’t… It was certainly not after.
Our livingroom would fill with sunlight, I can remember sunlight pooling on the carpet, and dust motes dancing in the sunbeams that streamed in past the curtains on the front windows. My Mom would sit and read her Bible and drink her coffee, and the presence of the Lord was in that place.
One day in particular, I was playing with a certain set of toys. They were these smooth, hollow plastic linking toys. There were different shapes, but my favorite pieces were round “stars” about the size of my open hand, and made up of 6 perfectly round and circular knobbly “arms” like trailer ball hitches extending off of a slightly bigger belly in the middle. You joined the pieces together by interlocking the little ball arms. I had been working determinedly to make my structure climb upward, and I had saved the most special piece for last. I remember trying not to cry when the pieces would collapse. I wanted to use all of the pieces for one single tower, and put the fluorescent orange star on the very top.
You know how it feels when you have been working on a problem and getting it wrong again and again, but suddenly you realize that you’ve finally figured out how to solve your problem? I remember feeling that transition as I held that final piece in my hands. I turned it over, and I knew it was going to do what I wanted it to do. And for my whole life, expectation, and joy, and excitement, and glee, and satisfaction have all been defined by that moment. Those little pieces linked into eachother, and I saw that it was good. Those dust motes were dancing around that orange star-crown that was lifted up so high, and then I was undone. Everything was bright sunshine and outside was inside, the flowers and trees across the street were inside my living room, and the walls were gone, and everything was lifting up, and starting to turn like a merry-go-round… I remember wanting my Mom to see what was happening, and trying to get her attention, and then searching, reaching, longing for a way to communicate to her what I was feeling and seeing, I needed Mom to understand! I said, “it’s a… a… a…” and then I heard the word, THE word: “MAJESTY.” And I said it, “it’s a MAJESTY.” It was perfect. The perfect word for… THAT… happening. I remember being fully satisfied in my communication, and the feeling of smiling, and sitting back, and dropping my hands. I was slightly less satisfied with my Mom’s delight in my creation and my articulation. Her response was genuine, but I know now that the word is “disproportionate.” And when I looked back at my toys, they were just toys. A little pile of plastic sitting so still and dull on a dingy bit of carpet. But it didn’t matter, because I knew MAJESTY. I carried it out of that moment in my little 3 year old self, and forward into the rest of my life.
April 21-23, 2022, Rick and I attended The Gathering in Winston, Oregon with our Tribe, Laseah. We were both getting to play music with the other musicians, and it had been an overwhelmingly wonderful time of corporate seeking, gathering, pouring out, and soaking.
One of the primary things that draws all of us together into Tribe Laseah is a mutual calling to, and passion for land work. “Land Mandates,” where God calls us to minister to the land itself, tearing down altars in the land that have been raised up to idols, and consecrating both new and/or ancient and existing altars to the Lord. We seek to walk in obedience toward the return of original intent in all things, and we hold the understanding that the land is foundational in this work. The invitation to go to Winston was extra special for me, personally, because although I had only been there a few times, my family on my Dad’s side were among the first settlers in the Dillard-Winston area, and I have family who still live there on the banks of the South Umpqua River. My Mom used to tell me stories of my Great Grandpa’s land that sounded like fairy tales. She talked about banks of bluebells, grape hyacinth, periwinkle, jonquils, and blooming quince and hydrangea. My Dad’s stories were of legendary melons and peaches. Historical research that my Cousin shared with me tells how year after year, my Great Great Grandpa would collect the $25 prize that the Portland Hotel offered for the first crate of ripe strawberries… Year after year, the first ripe strawberries in the whole Northwest came from his strawberry patches at the base of the mountain behind the family land there.
When we engaged in our land mandates, I felt a sacred boundary around the family land. I knew I was not to attempt to affect the family land in any way, and I understand that to have done so would have been presumption. I believe that my Aunt’s obedience and stewardship have been a part of God’s design and purpose in preserving and cultivating the spiritual gifts in the land there. My Great Grandpa Willard refused to be called a “farmer,” he insisted instead that he was “A Gardener of the Land.” When he passed away, my Uncle stepped forward to buy that land, his own inheritance, from his parents, one generation early, for love, and in honor. He and his wife built a beautiful family home, and raised their children there. My Aunt and her Son, my Oldest Cousin, are both Master Gardeners. The land has been loved, honored, cherished, and engaged, and I believe that The Gathering and Tribe Laseah saw a greater reward and experienced a deeper blessing as a result of the active cooperation of that land in standing as testimony and calling the surrounding land into agreement and communion. Sortof like, “Come on in, the water’s fine.” One of the remarkable features of the land in that place is that even though the ocean is only about 50 miles away as the crow flies, the river takes a sharp turn inland there, so it runs “backward” from West to East on its way to encircle the valley before heading out to sea. The place where we accessed the river as a group ended up being at the City Park, directly across from the family land. Standing there in that obedient water was a profound experience for me, I could feel how impossibly right it was for the water to move in that way, and I felt called into, and confirmed in my own obedience to God alone.
As we were driving to the first meeting of the day on the day after we’d been in the river, Rick started riffing on the idea of time running like a river. He was trying to communicate to me the revelations he was getting, but I was having more trouble than usual in trying to follow. I didn’t have the right framework for what he was seeing, and I was cranky because we took a wrong turn, and were running late to the meeting. In retrospect, it makes me laugh to realize that I was oblivious to that foreshadowing…
Once we finally made it to the church, a beautiful time of worship unfolded, and my attention was drawn to my Friend who was worshiping and dancing with a glorious flag that faded from blue into brilliant reddish orange. I knew she was preparing to go to the Poland/Ukraine border to work with children, and I wanted to play into her journey, so I left the stage and sat on the steps to project my sound into the ground at her feet, and into, and over her journey. I could feel how sweet her spirit is, and I could sense an anointing blooming around her, an atmosphere that I knew was being created to minister to those children. I was being allowed to feel what a child would feel, and in that space, and under that orange flag, my mind was also on my orange toy star, and the reminder that it has always been to me of childrens’ ability to perceive, and to enter into God’s presence. As I played, it seemed to me like my Friend’s feet were barely touching the ground, almost like when a ballerina dances with a partner, defying gravity. This feeling of lightness, of lift-off, was sortof riffling around the edges of my experience. Somewhat abruptly, I felt a shift, and started to get a download of a letter I knew I needed to write, so I put down my violin and went to write the letter while everyone else continued in high worship. As I was writing, the Lady who had been signing interpretation for the deaf came forward with a word about what the deaf community would notice about the worship time, and the colors on display through the flags being used in worship. She spoke about reclaiming the rainbow, and then she specifically called out the color orange.
At some point, my Friend asked me if I would go back and play violin while she sang, and I headed toward the stage, but as I approached the front of the sanctuary, I knew that all I wanted to do was to hang out under those orange flags that were waving. I went to sit down in the first row on the far side, but I ended up laying down on the floor, on my back, parallel with the row of chairs, and sortof cocooning myself in my silk, and hiding my face in my hands, just to soak.
After that, things are all mixed up for me. I have listened back again and again to the service to see what happened when, but there are some holes in the broadcast that I suspect coincide with some slipping and sliding and shifting that I was experiencing. I don’t know the order in which these next things happened, that information is totally inaccessible to me. They may have happened all at once.
I was thinking about my orange “majesty” toy when I laid down on the ground and covered my face, and at one point, I opened my eyes and looked up through my fingers, but the overhead light was so bright that it left an image burned into my eyelids. I blinked, and winced away, and covered my face with my hands again, and when I closed my eyes, the image that the light had left was exactly the shape of that orange toy. This shook me, I felt like I had felt in that moment in my living room as a child, I couldn't catch my breath, and something was happening to me that I didn’t have words for. The light felt SO bright, but I carefully opened my fingers again, and as I looked out from underneath them, I felt like I was seeing the sunlight come in from the living room window, and I remembered the dust motes swirling in that sun beam. They were echoed all around me in the sanctuary in 2022, and Rick called for the River to run backwards. I felt like I got all thin, departiculated, like Star Trek, beam me up, except I didn’t go way up, or disappear. I was suspended, in La Grande AND Winston, and time superimposed on itself, 2022 and 1984. Merging moments. And I had to be sparkly and in heaven, backed up in the cloud, surrendered, trust, get small, get thin, yield to His manipulation of time and space. There weren’t two of me… me was me was me but time changed, and my age changed and frittered so I’ve kinda always been 40, and now I’m a little bit 3, because I became 3 again in 2022. As I began to realzie that I was in two times at once, I remember the instinct to disbelieve what I was experiencing, but from the stage, and over the microphone, Rick was both narrating my experience, and answering my questions as they formed, and before I could become hindered by them. I also had a vision around Rick, but I will make a different post about that.
Rick sang:
“Don’t think for a moment things haven’t changed,
Rocks are quaking, River taking.
Blood is pumping.
My Word will not return to Me void. It’s already going out, giving birth.
Twist around, come around, come back to Me.
Bring me the fruit of what I want to recieve.
Already moving, already changing.
You will see and declare My faithfulness.
You will see, you will see, you will see.
Believe it, believe it, believe it.
Don’t dig up the seed to look at it, just water it, and nurture it.
Allow Me to move, and do what I wanna do.
The rocks are quaking, the River’s raging,
Taking forth My Word to the valleys and the hills.
Where men cannot go, I go.
My River’s rushing, Springtime flow.
For such a time as this, we’re here.
And Tammy Yearsley sang out, “MAJESTY!!!” …RIGHT into my living room. Tammy’s song leaked into my long ago living room, and my toy was the Orange Morning Star, and there was MAJESTY. I had the word to tell my Mom what happened.
And my appetite was set for words that fit. And my appetite was set for purity in worship, and Liquid Presence Love sloshed BOTH WAYS. The Mama drinks her coffee and reads her Word in the living room while the Tiny plays at her feet is LOOOOOOOOOVE. And His Saints gathered from the Whole West, in covenant with eachother, and agreement with the land, is LOOOOOOOOOVE.
Time was rent like the veil. And Orange Liquid Majesty Love, vintage 2022, was spilled right into my 3 Year Old Heart. To have and to hold, to love and to cherish, and to bring to this present moment, full circle, perfectly aged and tempered, preserved and poured out, from Him, and to Him, and through Him…
God made a River Ring for HIMSELF and His Bride. And I was playing with the fiery diamond. Tammy’s song leaked into my living room, and my toy was the Morning Star, and MAJESTY was manifest.
It was a time covenant that was made. That God made April 23,2022 in 1984 for always. God sealed His own work unto Himself in that way. Circumcision, consecration, covenant. Cutting and sealing.
And my Motherhood was sealed in that moment, and my marriage was sealed, and my worship, and my covenant with the Bride and as the Bride… And today is the first “NEW, new” day I’ve had since 1984, except prolly maybe not? Maybe it has or will happen before or since??
When I visited with my Aunt that afternoon, she said, “Well, this is the place where the River makes a loop.” And I felt a power and authority and meaning and significance to her statement that I felt God had been cherishing as His own private little joke since the beginning of Creation. Every time that someone had casually described the natural features of the land in that way, the breath in their words had been a reinforcement of God’s purpose and design for the land. And on that day, the Sons of God had been revealed in that place, and the land that had been in neutral had been engaged, and finally allowed to fulfill its design of cooperating with Creator to affect an interdimensional loop of obedience and covenant in time and space. MAJESTY.
A circuit completed, opened to close, closed to open. Translation accomplished, communication carried out.
I was disoriented for days. I had(have?) a hard time writing letters the right way, now. If I think too hard about the event, or see something too orange, I start leaning to my left. Interestingly, I can remember that when things started to spin in the livingroom when I was tiny, they were spinning clockwise, and on the come-back-around to here, that momentum would send me to my left…. Confused, yet? Me too. For at least an hour afterward, I felt like there were little sparkly pieces of me that were floating out just beyond my arms’ reach, trying to catch back up with me. Strangest, most unimaginable thing.
When I came home and told my Aunt about all of this, she got up out of her chair and went to her room, and brought these back to me. A white banner that says "Kadosh," or, "Holy," and... Orange. With a ring around it. And a fiery stone in the ring. My Mom made the Kadosh banner in Burns, Oregon, 20 years ago. I don't know the Story behind the Orange & the Ring. Just that it existed long before I took a loopdie-loop... I hadn't ever seen it before:
That label says:
*Sung to the tune of an 80s toy commercial* (are you KIDDING me???)
zinc-y, zinc-y, zinc-y (what's that about??)
we put it in the drinky (uhm, yeah, that was SOME drink!!!)
zinc-y, zinc-y, zinc-y (what, already??)
alongside vitamin c, helps keep you in sync-y (maybe I'll just take this literally, and pop some zinc in case it might help my earthsuit find the pace of the planet again?)
I still go weak at the knees laughing every time I think about that. God LOVES to show off for us. He's hilarious. He is LAVISH in His communication with us. I never wanna miss a chance to catch His jokes.
My 5 year old Son kept handing me crayons as I was writing this. Yep, they were all Orange. Nope, he has no clue.
I’ve done my best to faithfully recount everything I could access. I blame Robin Bullock for going before me into those Rendezvous, and my Friend Ashley for writing time-travel stories, and my Friend Sarah for having come to play my piano and sit on my couch, and for just always BEING so obediently interdimensional, and Rick for calling this stuff out, so that even though I NEVER would have expected to actually experience anything like that, I would get to recognize what was happening, and be able to recount it. I cannot overstate the extent to which this happening was a CORPORATE movement. What I have told about here was only my own personal experience of the place we ALL reached in worship. As I listened back to the live stream of the service, I couldn't believe the ways in which every thing that every person brought forward was an integral part of my experience. We weave together. He is SO excited for us, His Bride to TAKE our places, and to come TOGETHER, and to be UNVEILED...
To quote my Smile Friend, IT LOOKS LIKE SOMETHING!!! We all saw what it looks like, TOGETHER.
I come to see and to be seen. The unveiling of the Bride looks like this. Being empowered into new terrain by Story, our shared testimonies.
Because of this experience, I believe that God is raising up an army of Time Warriors, and specifically because of things I felt in my brain and in my body after completing that loop, I believe that dyslexia and DID are both markers for a propensity to travel God’s Portals, maybe even indicators that seeds for portals, or even portals themselves have already been placed in your life?…
We’re gonna find out.
Below is a link to the Face Book Live Stream of that service. Watching the worship on this little screen gives me a similar feeling to seeing my toys laying on the carpet... But the messages are FIRE. They bring life and depth and truth.
THANK YOU, Evie, for this all-encompassing, beautiful account of His divine eternal purposes that are unfolding now! Limitless! The corporate expression of Him...the oneness...all the fractals of light shining His MAJESTY!
ReplyDeleteThank YOU, Tammy. "Corporate Expression of Him." That's it.